spinal cord injury latest therapies, research, treatments (pre-clinical/ animal studies and clinical/human trials) focusing on the chronic stage of the lesion. It was set up by Corinne Jeanmaire and Annemie Heselmans, for the endParalysis foundation and for the ESCIF (European Spinal Cord Injury Federation) Research Group. With thanks to Annemie Heselmans, Sam Maddox (U2fP)
Chris Powell (blog) and Harvey Sihota (Neurokinex) their input and to Ruth Purves for their editing support.
We have to be clear: there is still no cure, therapy or treatment for (chronic) spinal cord injury. Judging by the increasing number of ongoing and planned clinical trials though, it seems that we might have come a bit closer to achieving a certain level of recovery.
The data displayed in the tabs in this page is far from exhaustive but is simply meant to give an idea of the momentum currently at play. We have divided up the data into four blocks (click on the title to go to contents), being:
- (Stem) cells & combination regenerati
on/repair strategies. - Scar and growth inhibitors reduction & regeneration/repair combination strategies.
- Electrical stimulation of the spinal cord (e-stim), Transcranial Stimulation (TMS), Brain-Machine-Interface (BMI), etc
- Unproven/commercial therapies.
Disclosure: The purpose of this section of our website is to provide a summary of the important developments in spinal cord research towards finding a cure or repair / recovery therapy. In line with the scope and focus of the endParalysis foundation, we will mainly focus on research projects currently applied or ultimately applicable to chronic spinal cord injury and on therapies that are at clinical or pre-clinical stage and thus have a potential to be applied successfully on human patients. Furthermore, this overview constitutes in no way an endorsement from the endParalysis foundation or from her scientific committee for any specific research project, experimental therapy or clinical trial included therein.
Kind regards/Met vriendelijke groet.
Corinne Jeanmaire