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7 January 2015
There has been a great deal of uproar over the the recent proposal that all medical devices should be regarded as re-usable. ESCIF has responded ... (read the full story here)
Save the date!
27 November 2014
The ESCIF Congress and Assembly of Delegates 2015 will take place in Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, from Wednesday 20 May 2015 – Friday 22 May 2015. The congress venue is the Hotel Maximus Resort – see http://www.maximus-resort-hotel-brno.com/ Our hosts, paraCENTRUM Fenix, have been leaders of a trans-national project entitled Overcome Challenges. This ...
11 September 2014
All presentations from the ESCIF 2014 on Healthy ageing with SCI can be read ....( link to the presentations ) A full report of the ESCIF Assembly of Delegates and Congress 2014 will follow shortly.
30 June 2014
The project was proposed by the Executive at the Assembly of Delegates in Nottwil in 2013. We have now succeeded in finding the necessary funding for this ambitious project which will help ESCIF member organisations to initiate activities that will ensure that people living with SCI in their country have the best possibilities to become fully integrated (or reintegrated) into the community. ESCIF ...
24 June 2014
The report from the ESCIF survey on resistant bacteria in connection with SCI is now finalised. The initiative for this survey was brought to ESCIF from a member who had experienced problems, because of multi-resistant bacteria, in receiving rehabilitation. ESCIF then decided to look into the rapidly increasing problems with multi-resistant bacteria and to investigate how they affect people living ...
2 June 2014
ESCIF is actively involved in an investigation into SCI consumer participation in research and clinical trials. International researchers often find it hard to persuade us to take part in their projects and the aim of the online survey is to identify why this should be the case. A letter has been sent to ESCIF members … and to the Ambassadors and supporters of the Global SCI Consumer ...
16 May 2014
For those member organisations within the EU, the elections for the European parliament will take place soon. This election has two innovative features: - the European Parliament shall elect the President of the European Commission and this is why every political party has its candidate; - the continent's economic crisis is closely linked with European policies, not only national policies. ...
As many as 500 000 people spinal cord injured each year, with survival rates worse in low-income and middle-income countries
2 December 2013
Every year between 250 000 and 500 000 people suffer a spinal cord injury, with road traffic crashes, falls and violence as the three leading causes. People with spinal cord injury are two to five times more likely to die prematurely. They also have lower rates of school enrollment and economic participation than people without such injuries. Spinal cord injury has costly consequences for the individual ...
Programme «Healthy Ageing: what can be done?»
15 October 2013
27 – 29 August 2014 in De Rijp, The Netherlands Programme «Healthy Ageing: what can be done?» In 2014 the annual ESCIF Congress will be organised in cooperation with the Dutch SCI Association. The congress is being held for the ninth time and for the second time in the Netherlands. The congress takes place from 27 - 29 August 2014 in Hotel De Rijper Eilanden in ...
11 October 2013
The first issue of Update: regenerative research has been sent to all ESCIF member organisations this week. As discussed at the Assembly of Delegates in June 2013, the idea behind the update (that we plan to circulate 4 – 5 times per year) is to promote understanding, interest and support among ESCIF members for the area of regenerative research. Please make sure that it ...

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