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18 October 2018

ESCIF Congress 2019

'Empowerment – knowledge is power'

Gothenburg, Sweden, 27-29 May 2019
We are delighted to invite you to the 14th ESCIF Congress. The theme is knowledge: gaining, expanding and spreading it.
Information can improve the lives of people living with spinal cord injury, but it must be easy to find and understand.
We have several organisations working to make it so, but ESCIF sees many benefits of strengthening the bonds between them, as well as the bonds between consumers, clinicians and researchers.
The benefits include:
  • making it easier to transfer knowledge and how-to-do's between individuals, groups, organisations and countries
  • improving our position in lobbying and political decision making
  • keeping information and websites up to date and trustworthy – both in content and technology
The congress is open to anyone who has an interest in spinal cord injury – be it a personal or professional one.
The fourteenth ESCIF Congress is organised by the Swedish Association for Survivors of Accident and Injury (RTP) and the Gothenburg Competence Centre for Spinal Cord Injury together with the European Spinal Cord Injury Federation.
Please register on www.escifcongress.org before 1 February 2019. It will be possible to register until 28 February 2019 for an additional fee of €50 per person.

Call for Abstracts

Do you want to give an oral presentation or host a workshop? Please have a look at the ESCIF 2019 – Call for abstracts.
For the second time we are inviting member organisations, other SCI consumer organisations, researchers and clinicians to send in abstracts for either oral presentations or workshops.

Note: Call for Abstract Closes – 7 December 2018.
Invitation to the ESCIF Congress 2019 was posted by ESCIF.
To discuss any of its subject matter further please contact ESCIF.

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