After more than two years it was a pleasure to gather again at the ESCIF congress in Nottwil. It was the third time ESCIF met in Nottwil. Considering the special circumstances the organiser was happy with more than 35 paricipants. On top we saw several new participants and delegates.
It was a tight programm but the topic of the CRPD was well received by the participants and it was widely mentioned that the delegates were able to take home important information for their organisation. Please see below the presentations and the summary of the workshops with very interesting ideas for future projects. You can also find the congress report by Alicia Perho.
Download presentations:
Prof. Markus Schefer (Key Note about the CRPD)
Dr. Christine Fekete (social relationship)
Borut Sever (alternative report to the CRPD)
Dr. Dimitrios Skempes (Swiss respons to Rehab needs)
Dr. Caroline Hess-Klein (accessibility of new train wagons)
Congress report by Alicia Perho (Finland)